Friday, June 25, 2010

Great run

No blogging.
Little twitter.
Less activity.
Almost no running.

That describes my last 3 weeks. Alternating between sadness for the end of my year long maternity leave and happiness at the enormously privilege it is to have my life there hasn't been much healthy going on.

But last nights run was great. Surprisingly great. I did my 1 & 1s x 10 with the Learn to Run clinic. (Walked the last few to make sure everyone made it back). Finished that up with some socializing. Then hit the road again for 10 & 1 x 2. It was hard. I wanted to give up at 3 minutes, and 5 minutes and 8 minutes on each 10 minute set. But I didn't. And it felt so good to make it. To be done. To complete. Even a few minutes on the run felt great!

Pretty sure it wouldn't have happened without the massage from Breathe in Bedford. My flexibility is amped way past normal. Massages will become a regular part of my live better, take on the world, challenge myself way of living.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Running. Oh yeah. Running was the goal.

So I finished the Learn to Run program at the Running Room. It was great fun once again. I'm proud and pleased I can run 10 minutes at a time and cover about 3km in 22 minutes or so.

I didn't pick up my pace the way I hoped I might. So I'm going to do the program again. There will be challenges this time. My work life resumes. The girls start their sports. Our schedule gets out of control. But I think I can make it work. And I'm sure I can KILL a 30 second run right now. Especially since I can kill it at the end of a 10 minute run.

The other part of success will be introducing some cross training. Last month it was a "Biggest Loser" workout. This month a Beach Body Workout. But what and when is still up in the air.

Are you running? How's it going?